Loading a track

track.load(path, format=None, readonly=False)[source]

Loads a track from disk, whatever the format is.

  • path (string) – is the path to track file to load or an URL. If the path is an URL, the file will be downloaded automatically. If the path is a GZIP file, it will be decompressed automatically.
  • format (string) – is an optional parameter specifying the format of the track to load when it cannot be guessed from the file extension.
  • readonly (bool) – is an optional parameter that defaults to False. When set to True, any operation attempting to write to the track will silently be ignored

a Track instance

import track
with track.load('tracks/rp_genes.bed') as rpgenes:
    data = rpgenes.read()
with track.load('/tmp/ae456f0', 'sql') as t:
    data = t.read()
with track.load('tracks/repeats.bed', readonly=True) as repeats:
    data = repeats.read()
with track.load('http://example.com/genes.bed') as genes:
    data = genes.read()

Creating a new track

track.new(path, format=None)[source]

Creates a new empty track in preparation for writing to it.

  • path (string) – is the path to track file to create.
  • format (string) – is an optional parameter specifying the format of the track to create when it cannot be guessed from the file extension.

a Track instance

import track
with track.new('tmp/track.sql') as t:
    t.write('chr1', [(10, 20, 'Gene A', 0.0, 1)])
with track.new('tracks/peaks.sql', 'sql') as t:
    t.fields = ['start', 'end', 'name', 'score']
    t.write('chr5', [(500, 1200, 'Peak1', 11.3)])

Converting tracks

track.convert(source, destination, assembly=None)[source]

Converts a track from one format to an other. The source file should have a different format from the destination file. If either the source or destination are missing a file extension, you can specify their formats using a tuple. See examples below.

  • source (string) – is the path to the original track to load.
  • destination (string) – is the path to the track to be created.
  • assembly (string) – an optional compatible assembly name. Useful when the destination format needs to contain chromosome meta data and this is not available in the source file.

the path to the track created (or a list of track paths in the case of multi-track files).

import track
track.convert('tracks/genes.bed', 'tracks/genes.sql')
track.convert('tracks/genes.sql', 'tracks/genes.bigWig', assembly='hg19')
track.convert(('tracks/no_extension', 'gff'), 'tracks/genes.sql')
track.convert(('tmp/4afb0edf', 'bed'), ('tmp/converted', 'wig'))

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